Know about the best credit cards of 2018
Credit cards have brought an end to the trouble of carrying cash everywhere you go. If handled responsibly, credit cards make like much easier. However, you need to be very careful when shopping for a credit card. You might be tempted to buy one which you might never need simply based on the rewards offered by the company. Make a well-informed decision in order to make the most of your card.
Here are some of the best credit cards among the top 10 in the banking industry.
- Chase Sapphire Preferred card
Considered as one of the 10 best credit cards, this card is best for the easily redeemable travel rewards and bonus.
- Chase Freedom Unlimited
Famous for the unlimited 1.5% cash back on all the purchases you make, this card has a zero APR for the first 15 months from account opening. Additionally, you earn a $150 bonus after spending $500 within the first 90 days.
- Discover it card
The Discover it credit card gives you 5% cash back at different places every quarter. You receive unlimited 1% cashback on all your purchases automatically.
- Discover it Balance Transfer
As the name suggests, this card is ideal for balance transfer. In addition to earning 5% cash back at different places, you will earn 1% cashback on all your purchases and you can redeem the points anytime. Your rewards will never expire. The card has a zero APR on purchases for six months and zero percent on balance transfer for 18 months.
- Amex EveryDay credit card
This credit card from American Express has $0 fee on the transfers in the first two months plus additional rewards. If you make purchases worth $1000 in the first three months after applying for one credit card, it offers membership reward points for the same. It has a low APR and a zero balance transfer fee for 60 days.
Choose from one of the 10 best credit cards by comparing the transfer fees and the APR. You can also have a look at the top credit cards of 2017 to compare the features. Take time to understand the terms and conditions of the card before applying for one of the top 10 credit cards.