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How to Increase Libido in Women

How to Increase Libido in Women

The hormone testosterone is responsible for regulating the sex drive in a woman’s body. The production of testosterone increases the blood flow in the female genitalia. This makes it lubricated, plump, and sensitive. A decreased libido can be a result of a number of environmental and physical factors such as stress, hormonal imbalance, or even prescription medicines.
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Here’s How You Can Reduce Cholesterol Levels Naturally

Here’s How You Can Reduce Cholesterol Levels Naturally

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance present in every cell of the body. It is essential for the production of vitamin D, hormones, and other chemicals in the body that aid in digestion. Cholesterol is carried throughout the body by low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL). For a healthy person, it is important to maintain a healthy balance between the LDL and HDL levels.
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All You Need to Know about Viagra for Women

All You Need to Know about Viagra for Women

Sexuality is one of the most talk active topics on which men like to talk openly without any hesitation. They share the downside and upside of their sexuality and things that impact on their sexual relationship. But, the condition is reversed in the case of women. They even don’t show their problems, difficulties which they feel while having sex.
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6 Tips for Finding a Good Addiction Counselor

6 Tips for Finding a Good Addiction Counselor

Nearly 20 million people in the country above the age of 12 in the have an addiction problem; alcoholism being one of the major causes. Often, mental illnesses are underlying conditions for various forms of substance abuse. The first step toward sobriety is to ask for help. The best way to get help is to undergo addiction counseling and see an addiction therapist.
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6 Well-known Herbs and Spices for Cancer Prevention

6 Well-known Herbs and Spices for Cancer Prevention

Also called the emperor of maladies, cancer affects nearly 1 million people in the country. It is also the second leading cause of death globally, heart disease being the leading cause. Most of the time, cancer affects those people whose family has a history of cancer. Genes carrying cancer-triggering cells are passed down from one generation to the next.
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8 Healthy and Easy Snacks to Have at Work

8 Healthy and Easy Snacks to Have at Work

It can be difficult to eat healthy whilst working, especially, with the pressure of deadlines and other work-related stress. Atop that many office pantries offer a variety of tasty snacks filled with sugar and trans fats. Your willpower is constantly at a test and choosing the healthier option seems more and more difficult as the day passes.
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