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Into the eye of storm-chasing

Into the eye of storm-chasing

Storm chasing came into existence when David Hoadley from North Dakota started chasing storms back in 1956. He used to collect the data (predictions) from weather stations and airport control towers. Neil Ward together with Oklahoma university played a major role in institutionalizing storm chasing. Oklahoma university together with NSSL (national severe storms laboratory) initiated the tornado intercept project in the year 1972.
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Weather radar and their role in weather prediction

Weather radar and their role in weather prediction

Also called as weather surveillance radar (WSR) or Doppler weather radar, Weather radar, are the ones that are used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, and estimate its type (rain, snow, hail etc. weather radars that are manufactured nowadays are mostly pulse-Doppler radars. These weather radars are capable of detecting rain droplets motions.
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Why going electric is the smarter way to cook!

Why going electric is the smarter way to cook!

If you have recently moved in to a rented apartment, getting a gas connection may be a bit cumbersome and expensive. Electric stoves act as a good alternative to traditional gas stoves in such scenarios. There has been a decade long debate about which cooking medium helps you save more, gas or electric stove.
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Weather stations – What are they?

Weather stations – What are they?

Weather stations are observatory posts that monitor and record weather forecasts, climate, meteorological, and atmospheric conditions of a city or a state. Weather station can either be on land or sea, based on the what geographical area it is intended to monitor. Weather stations at sea measure the atmospheric conditions and climate using ships.
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Automated weather stations

Automated weather stations

Collecting data manually can get tedious. It gets more challenging when you have to collect and report weather data of greater area (such as states or counties when compared to a small town or a city) to a central location which will be broadcasted for the residents of those locations.
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Why biology is an important branch of science

Why biology is an important branch of science

Biology is one of the most significant branches of study as it works around the essence of life. For instance, if biology as a subject would be non-existent, it would have been impossible to decode the mechanisms of living beings. It has literally enlightened us about the eclectic working of life.
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