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Symptoms and Treatment of Chronic Migraine

Symptoms and Treatment of Chronic Migraine

A migraine is a very painful, often a debilitating, form of a headache. It can be either episodic or chronic. Usually, the episodic migraine lasts for hours and several weeks to months can pass between two migraine episodes. However, chronic migraine symptoms not only last longer but also occur more frequently.
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All You Need to Know about Dog Allergies

All You Need to Know about Dog Allergies

Dogs are the best friends of a human being unless he or she is allergic to them. Americans love dogs. However, pet allergies are also quite common in the country. According to a report, 15% to 30% of the population has pet allergies. Allergic reactions due to other pets are not as severe as allergic reactions to dogs.
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Symptoms and Ways to Treat Poison Ivy Rashes

Symptoms and Ways to Treat Poison Ivy Rashes

Poison ivy is a toxic plant widely found throughout the country. This plant, upon contact with human skin, causes a painful rash, known as contact dermatitis. The rash is caused by an allergic reaction to an oily resin, called urushiol, which is found in the leaves, roots, and stem of the plant.
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Adult ADHD – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Adult ADHD – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

An adult who has ADHD may struggle with relationships at work, home, or school. Early diagnosis and treatment are vital for a person to lead a normal life. What is adult ADHD? Most people who have ADHD develop this disorder in their childhood. The symptoms of it may disappear in some children when they grow older, but studies show that it progresses into adulthood for about 60 percent of the patients.
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All You Need to Know about Post Nasal Drip Cough

All You Need to Know about Post Nasal Drip Cough

Post nasal drip cough is a common condition among children and adults. This condition can affect the normal functioning of a person’s life by causing sleeplessness and severe exhaustion. With the right diagnosis and early treatment, this condition can be brought under control. What is post nasal drip cough? The glands that line the nose, airways, throat, and the stomach produce mucus every day.
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Facts to Know about Sociopathic Personality Disorder

Facts to Know about Sociopathic Personality Disorder

The Talented Mr. Ripley, Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair, or lago in Shakespeare’s Othello —are fictional characters, but they’re drawn from real life templates. If they ever visited a psychiatrist, they’d be diagnosed with a sociopathic personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder. They share certain unmistakable symptoms and traits that mark this personality disorder.
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