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Did you know that your property has a history

Did you know that your property has a history

To know more about the property you have just brought, or are planning to buy, land records are the best source of information to identify the history. Through land records, you can find out more form deed books, deeds of trust, leases and more. The information is recorded by a government office known as the recorder of deeds.
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Resources you can use to know more about property archives

Resources you can use to know more about property archives

Archives contain information and source documents which have been accumulated over the years since the property was developed. These are normally collection of records to shed some light about the person or organization mentioned in the archives. These are a collection of records which are preserved over a period of time, also updated as and when significant changes are made to keep it updated and for reference and further research purposes.
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Things you should know before visiting property archives

Things you should know before visiting property archives

Property archives may be open for the public for research purpose but there are a number of things that you should know before visiting these places. Here is a list of do’s and don’ts while visiting a public records office or any property archives. Security check in: Not everyone is allowed to visit a public records office, in fact some places allow only people who have a valid government issued Id to avail registration and get a research card.
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Tips to search for free property records

Tips to search for free property records

Property records can be accessed to gain information from a number of vital records. These are available on the public domain and can be accessed online through a number of sources. Here are a few things you should know before accessing property records: A number of online websites have the multipurpose search took which will allow you to access a number of records, all consolidated in one place rather than to try and find it separately.
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The need for property records explained

The need for property records explained

Any papers which contain vital information about a property or piece of land are called property records. The records generally indicate who is the legal owner of the property, which also includes proof of ownership and the deed registered under the his or her name. A property records office is a place which maintains such information for every property, plot or patch of land owned in that particular county or city.
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Plan your estate with revocable living trust

Plan your estate with revocable living trust

Have you felt the need of estate planning? Are you looking for a simple yet effective estate planning tool? If so, one of the best options that could be considered is the revocable living trust. Revocable literally means something that can be revoked or cancelled. The revocable living trust is a trust created in your lifetime to manage your assets, and the trust has the flexibility of being revoked or cancelled at any point of time.
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