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Money Lessons We Can Learn From Past Presidents

Money Lessons We Can Learn From Past Presidents

As we come to terms with the harsh economic realities of our times, it is always good to pay heed to the wise words given to us by some of America’s most dynamic and gifted presidents that will hold us in good stead. Every year we celebrate President’s Day in February, and it would behoove us to pay closer attention to their advice.
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Smart Ideas To Make Your First Million Dollars

Smart Ideas To Make Your First Million Dollars

It is said that every drop makes an ocean. This saying is quite true in context with building a huge financial corpus for yourself. Speaking of a corpus, considering the rate of inflation the country is facing today, the dollar as a currency has seen a downward spiral in terms of financial value.
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Ways To Ensure Your Children Make Better Financial Decisions

Ways To Ensure Your Children Make Better Financial Decisions

In schools around the world, the importance of imparting essential financial tips is ignored such that it is only given lip service, with only mathematics teaching simple and compound interest in which kids have to solve certain sums that may or may not be helpful in their future. Parents are often dependent on educational institutions to teach their children about finance.
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Ways To Get Financially Fit For Home-buying Season

Ways To Get Financially Fit For Home-buying Season

One has to work hard for years to become slightly more financially secure. Being financially stable means that you are not living from one paycheck to the next and that you’ve managed to save a considerable amount over the past few years. You have a small family now, and you feel like having your own home which you can decorate, maintain, paint and remodel as you please, instead of being at the mercy of a landlord every month.
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Ways To Provide Financial Help To Aging Parents

Ways To Provide Financial Help To Aging Parents

One of the most important thing life gifts us is our parents. From them comes everything—love, support, care, nourishment, and financial support. Therefore, when it is our time to give back, nothing but a big heart should come in the way. Also, times are changing, and what was a smart way of handling finances back in the day need not necessarily be a smart way of handling finances today.
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Ways To Save For Your Future Without Affecting Your Present

Ways To Save For Your Future Without Affecting Your Present

It is definitely possible to save for your future and also have sufficient to live for today. All you need is the right kind of guidance and a few doable tricks. Strategizing your finance is not rocket science and following are some ways that will help you see money management more simplistically than ever.
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