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Tips for the beginner investor

Tips for the beginner investor

Ask someone for advice about managing your personal finances. Start reading personal finance columns or blogs. You will keep hearing a common refrain: Invest and build funds for your future now. You cash reserves are vital in an emergency. They provide a safety net against volatile investments. One bad decision could wipe out profits and your capital.
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Investing, use the power of time and compound earnings

Investing, use the power of time and compound earnings

Let’s say you’re creating an investment portfolio, and have diversified investments. The earnings on your investments each year add to your wealth. You can take out these earnings as extra funds to use as you please. It is your money, after all. However, if you put these earnings to work, you could increase your wealth over a few decades.
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What you need to know when getting a credit card

What you need to know when getting a credit card

If you’re looking for a credit card, shop around, don’t accept the first offer you get. There are many fees and charges that can add up to the cost of the card. Decide on how you plan to use the card, whether you’ll pay off your full dues or if you intend to carry a balance.
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Applying for a student credit card – what you need to know

Applying for a student credit card – what you need to know

Building a credit history is important for a number of things. These are things like getting good housing or getting a loan. But you can’t get a good credit card without having good history. But for good history, you need a credit card. So, where does this circle start and where does it end?
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How to manage your credit card usage

How to manage your credit card usage

A credit card is a convenience that can be a godsend for most of us. It enables cashless transactions, purchases on credit, helps manage cash flows, and get reward points and cashbacks. However, if you’re not careful, they can lead to debt and penalties that can be tough to get out of.
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How to reap the best out of an annuity?

How to reap the best out of an annuity?

Based on the type of payout of the benefits, annuities are classified as immediate income and deferred income (that includes fixed payment, variable payment, equity indexed) annuities. Although annuities provide tax benefits, there are a lot of costs involved in it when compared to traditional investment plans. Once the investment type is chosen, it is important to consider other aspects of investing in annuities to earn the best income.
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