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Understanding the Diagnosis of Thyroid Levels

Understanding the Diagnosis of Thyroid Levels

The thyroid gland controls some of the most important procedures in the human body and metabolism is key. There is no denying the fact that measuring the TSH normal range is something you must do.  Tests for TSH not only help in detecting the normal range of hormones, which are produced by the pituitary gland but let people know about the disease that can result from an imbalance in the hormones.
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Causes and remedies of hair loss

Causes and remedies of hair loss

We all lose hair at a certain point in time, such as while washing hair, combing, or blow drying them. On an average, an individual loses 50 to 100 hair strands in a day. It is quite normal at every time there is a new one replacing the fallen hair.
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10 ways to fix your under eye puffiness

10 ways to fix your under eye puffiness

You’re all dressed up and ready for an event, but what do you do of those under eye bags? When worse, no makeup can hide your swollen eyes. Well, the u nder-eye bags are a prevalent problem with many of us across both genders . Men men can’t even use makeup to hide their tired eyes!
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Gout Diet Do’s and Don’ts

Gout Diet Do’s and Don’ts

If you’re suffering from gout, you know how painful it can be. A type of arthritis, gout affects your joints, fingers and toes. It usually happens to people who have excessive purine foods like meat, whole grains, and sort of peas. When your body is unable to remove the uric acid from the body, it forms gout in one of your joints.
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Symptoms and treatments for UTI

Symptoms and treatments for UTI

UTI or Urinary Tract Infection is an infection caused in the urinary system and organs including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Women are affected by it more often than men and some estimates put out that about 40% women will experience a UTI in their lifetime. This does not affect men as much and it is also not common in children, however, it affects them more seriously.
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All You Need to Know about Probiotics and Its Benefits

All You Need to Know about Probiotics and Its Benefits

Bacteria are usually associated with diseases. However, the fact is that not all bacteria are harmful to our bodies. In fact, both good and bad bacteria are naturally found in our body. While the bad bacteria may cause diseases, the good bacteria play a vital role in several bodily functions.
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