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Top 5 Foods To Include In One’s Diabetic Diet Plan

Top 5 Foods To Include In One’s Diabetic Diet Plan

Top 5 foods to include in one’s diabetic diet plan The erroneous lifestyle choices we make and our genetic predisposition has resulted in more than 100 million adults in the country living with diabetes or prediabetes. Diabetes, often referred to as diabetes mellitus, is a group of metabolic diseases where a person has high blood glucose levels.
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5 Essential Foods For A Low Cholesterol Diet

5 Essential Foods For A Low Cholesterol Diet

Cholesterol is essential for your body to function well. However, a high level of cholesterol can cause blockages in the arteries and lead to heart ailments. This is why it is necessary to maintain cholesterol levels in the body. The diet is one of the most important things that can help in controlling the levels of cholesterol.
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5 High Cholesterol Foods That Are Bad For You

5 High Cholesterol Foods That Are Bad For You

If you love munching on packaged potato chips while you work, or if bacon is a regular part of your breakfast, you should know that you are at a high risk of having high cholesterol levels. High-cholesterol levels, specifically high LDL cholesterol levels, are the main cause of cardiovascular diseases.
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5 Essential Foods That Can Actively Reduce Cholesterol Levels

5 Essential Foods That Can Actively Reduce Cholesterol Levels

5 essential foods that can actively reduce cholesterol levels What we eat inevitably affects our overall health. This is one of the reasons why people take efforts to evaluate their current lifestyle and make the necessary changes. If an individual has an existing health condition, it becomes imperative for them to make amends to their current diet and add foods that are beneficial in helping them control their health issue.
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5 Food Items That Help To Ease Arthritis Pain

5 Food Items That Help To Ease Arthritis Pain

5 food items that help to ease arthritis pain Today, many rheumatologists suggest that arthritis patients should eat consciously as diet plays a great role in managing the disorder and its symptoms. Although there is no specific diet for arthritis patients, there are certain food items that help to manage arthritis’ joint inflammation and pain better.
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6 Foods That Arthritis Patients Should Try To Dodge

6 Foods That Arthritis Patients Should Try To Dodge

6 foods that arthritis patients should try to dodge For those who are on the hunt for an arthritis diet that will help them magically cure arthritis, their attempt is undoubtedly going to be in vain. There is no diet that will cure the condition and make the inflammation and pain go away.
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