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7 Natural Cures for Overactive Bladder

7 Natural Cures for Overactive Bladder

The urge of frequent urination is often considered to be a symptom of type 2 diabetes. Though the increased frequency of urination is a condition commonly associated with increased blood sugar level, it is not just the lone cause. People with overactive bladder problem also need to urinate at frequent intervals as their bladder loses the capacity of retaining urine for prolong period.
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Foods to Avoid when Suffering from Acid Reflux

Foods to Avoid when Suffering from Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a severe health complication. It takes place when acid moves back to the esophagus from the stomach. The damaged lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is responsible for acid reflux. LES normally closes to avoid entry of stomach food to the esophagus. Our eating habits have a strong impact in the acid produced in the stomach.
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1200 Calorie Diet Plan – A Healthy Weight Loss Plan

1200 Calorie Diet Plan – A Healthy Weight Loss Plan

If you are planning to shed a few pounds, the 1200 calorie diet plan is a good deal. The 1200 calorie diet is a good start as it only allows an intake of 1200 calories in a day, which is less than an average intake of 1900. A perfect plan for women leading a sedentary lifestyle, this diet plan helps in losing extra pounds sticking to the belly.
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High-Fiber Diet to Stay Healthy

High-Fiber Diet to Stay Healthy

Everybody knows fiber is good for health. Unfortunately, many people do not get adequate fiber from their diet and it results in a wide range of health complications. In this fast paced world, people are consuming a lot of processed and junk foods and it limits their fiber consumption seriously.
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Here’s Why Calcium Supplements Must Not Be Ignored

Here’s Why Calcium Supplements Must Not Be Ignored

The general assumption is that calcium supplements improve bone strength and while that is the very reason we take these supplements, overuse could result in heart problems. In this article, we will discuss why calcium supplements are important. Why do people need calcium? The body needs calcium to build and maintain strong and healthy bones.
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11 Easy Ways to Control Blood Sugar Levels

11 Easy Ways to Control Blood Sugar Levels

The high blood sugar levels can increase the risks of heart disorders, diabetes, eye problems, and other symptoms considerably. Therefore, it is necessary to check them regularly in a clinic for reducing major health problems. Those who are having high blood sugar should focus more on controlling them effectively in order to eliminate the risks.
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