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Four green drinks for a fitter you

Four green drinks for a fitter you

Being healthy is one of the topmost priorities these days since health is on a decline as a result of our constant quest to meet our daily needs and the luxuries we yearn for. You may hit the gym or go for a walk but unless you stick to your diet the weighing scale won’t budge an inch.
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Green drinks- your new health partner

Green drinks- your new health partner

Our unhealthy lifestyle and our tendency to prefer junk food over the healthy ones have resulted in our falling into the traps laid down by the fast food joints which serves us with mouthwatering delicacies but yet fail us on the health grounds. You get a rude wake up call when you see you are out of breath after climbing ten steps or you cannot bend over properly to tie your shoelaces as your paunch hinders this activity.
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Lemony summer in a tall glass

Lemony summer in a tall glass

As soon as summer arrives, everyone starts craving for refreshingly cool lemonade iced tea served in tall glasses with generous cubes of ice. A very common drink in the south, it has been noted that iced tea makes for about 85% of the total tea consumption in the United States.
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5 awesome health benefits of lemonade iced tea

5 awesome health benefits of lemonade iced tea

Lemonade iced tea is one of the most popular beverages. A quick sip of lemony iced tea can instantly freshen you up. Having lemonade iced tea is a great way to sooth stress and add a lot of healthy minerals and nutrients to your body. You can have it unsweetened or sweetened, although the version with added sugar is more popular among the two.
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Do you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain?

Do you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain?

In 1979, British-born American singer Rupert Holmes wrote a single with a wacky title Escape (The Pina Colada Song). With its catchy tune, this song about rekindling romance through a shared love for Pina Colada and rain has been used in the soundtrack of popular movies such as Guardians of Galaxy, Grown Ups, and Shrek.
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Not your average Pina Colada

Not your average Pina Colada

Do you know that the tiny Caribbean island of Puerto Rico celebrates a National Pina Colada day? Yes. You read that right. Every year on July 10, Puerto Ricans pay tribute to the fruity sweet cocktail beverage. Why? Because Pina Colada has its origin in Puerto Rico. The people of Puerto Rico are so proud of the cocktail that they have made the Pina Colada their national drink.
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