Home - Arthritis
An ideal diet for a patient with gout arthritis

An ideal diet for a patient with gout arthritis

Gout is one of the severe forms of arthritis that occurs when there are high levels of uric acid accumulation in the joints. The accumulation can mold into crystals engulfing the joints and can cause the same discomfort and agony as an arthritic condition. Uric acid is formed naturally in the body when it breaks a compound called purine.
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Treating arthritis: A brief overview

Treating arthritis: A brief overview

One can never predict when a condition like arthritis may develop. Arthritis leaves the joints weak and swollen, and one can lose the ability to move or perform even the simplest of daily chores. While there is no cure for the condition, there are several effective treatment options for it, which can help one manage the symptoms.
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Signs of psoriatic arthritis that you can’t ignore

Signs of psoriatic arthritis that you can’t ignore

A psoriasis is a form of the auto-immune disease which takes place when the skin cells start developing at an exponential rate. The excess amount of skin makes way for scaly lesions on the surface of the skin, which is clinically known as flare-ups. It has been estimated that approximately 30 percent of the individuals with psoriasis suffer from another condition known as psoriatic arthritis.
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Six natural remedies for treating osteoarthritis

Six natural remedies for treating osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a chronic, degenerative disorder that causes pain and inflammation the joints of the body. This type of disease has no cure, but it can be managed well with medical intervention comprising OTC painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, and injections. However, apart from professional osteoarthritis treatments, you can take the help of several natural measures to deal with this condition.
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The symptoms, similarities and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and lupus

The symptoms, similarities and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and lupus

These are autoimmune diseases which occur due to the immune system attacking the body cells. They in turn trigger inflammations and damaging health issues. In general, these autoimmune diseases are caused due to malfunction of the immune system. Immune system fails to recognize its own cells and tissues and foreign bodies and thus attacks on its own cells.
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Turmeric: The most beneficial treatment for arthritis

Turmeric: The most beneficial treatment for arthritis

Recent researches show that curcumin, which is the active ingredient in the culinary arts possesses potential anti-inflammatory as well as anti-arthritic properties. Many pieces of research found that a highly bio available form of curcumin is very effective in helping the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis compared to the NSAIDs. How does arthritis affect Americans?
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