Home - Anxiety panic
4 Preventive Measures That Can Help With Anxiety And Panic

4 Preventive Measures That Can Help With Anxiety And Panic

There is no determined set of causes that can lead to anxiety or an anxiety disorder. It is a mental condition and can be triggered by an activity that makes a patient anxious. Triggers are different for every person who is suffering from anxiety. While there are a few activities, instances, and causes that can be common triggers, there are still no definitive causing factors.
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Symptoms Of Anxiety And Some Effective Ways To Cope With It

Symptoms Of Anxiety And Some Effective Ways To Cope With It

Anxiety is often confused with feelings of nervousness and restlessness. You might be restless about completing something or waiting for someone, nervous about a big presentation or a job interview but this does not mean that you are anxious. Anxiety is a mental condition and should not be confused with emotions that are felt due to anticipation.
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5 Major Factors That Cause Anxiety Disorder

5 Major Factors That Cause Anxiety Disorder

It is common for most of us to get anxious, nervous, or restless about an event or activity. However, if this happens on a regular basis, it could be possible that one is suffering from an anxiety disorder. An anxiety disorder involves more than just a few worries or fears about something.
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Treatment Options And Lifestyle Changes For Anxiety And Panic Recovery

Treatment Options And Lifestyle Changes For Anxiety And Panic Recovery

An anxiety disorder can happen to any individual, irrespective of their age. However, it is the intensity of the disorder that determines the type of treatment that might be required by the patient. There are two main types of treatment aligned with an anxiety or panic situation; psychotherapy and medications.
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